- Do one host at a time Live Migrating everything off it before starting
- Delete your Virtual Networks through Hyper-V Manager
- Install the PSP, downloading and updating NIC firmware as required
- Reboot
- Download the HP Network Configuration Utility (NCU) for 2008 R2 and install
- Reboot
- Create the team using the util C:\Program Files\HP\NCU\hpteam.cpl
- Reboot
- Set the IP info for your net interface (sconfig)
- Restart Hyper-V and Cluster services
- Recreate your Virtual Networks in Hyper-V manager.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Hyper-V NIC Teaming
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Application Virtualization (AppV)
Install IIS first - including all the IIS6 management and the Windows Authentication components.
Certificate - Hey another ceritificate. Setup the site for SSL.
Active Directory - Create a AppV management and an APPV user group (and also a service account) before you install. Add your admin account to the management group.
No 64-bit support till the next version (4.6) is released.
That means no Windows 2008 R2 installs and no 64-bit client.
This will bite you if you deploy 64-bit Windows 7 (Which I would always do given the choice)
Update: Got a copy of the 4.6 Public Beta client and will be giving that a bash.
...and now time to sequence some apps. More about that to follow.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Command Line
DISKPART> select disk 0
DISKPART> select partition 1
DISKPART> shrink desired=2280
DISKPART> create partition primary
DISKPART> select partition 2
DISKPART> format fs=ntfs label="Swap"
DISKPART> assign letter=E
wmic.exe computersystem where name=”%computername%” set AutomaticManagedPagefile=False
wmic.exe pagefileset create name="E:\pagefile.sys"
wmic.exe pagefileset where name="E:\\pagefile.sys" set InitialSize=2048,MaximumSize=2048
wmic.exe pagefileset where name="C:\\pagefile.sys" delete
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Windows Deployment Services 2008
- Install Server 2008 R2 and the Windows Deployment Services role.
- Download and install MDT2010 and the AIK.
- Open up the WDS management console
- Add a deployment point where you want to store all your data
- Add a source OS (basically copy the DVD) via a wizard
- Add some apps you want to be available, also via a wizard - Office is a good example
- Create a Task Sequence for the above
- Add the new WDS server to your DHCP server (option 67)
- Right Click "Distribution Share" and click update
- Let it rebuild everything and it will create an ISO as part of this.
Burn this ISO (x86 or x64) to a CD for later.
- Use the above (via PXE boot) to create a nice clean Windows 7 install.
- Once you have a base install, go ahead and install everything you want on their. Acrobat, Office, etc
- Install the AIK on this as well
- Once you are happy reboot the machine to the ISO which you burnt earlier.
- From the CD browse to the AIK install and run IMAGEX to create a WIM of your gold image machine. (imagex.exe /compress max /capture d: d:\image.wim "gold image")
- Once this is done reboot back to Windows 7 and copy the new gold image to your WDS server.
- On the WDS server import a new OS and make the source a WIM image, yes, the one you just created. Be sure to provide the location of your Windows 7 source file during this.
- Heaven only knows what hardware you are using. Thanking the stars above I've only had to do this on newish HP hardware, but for those not that lucky, you have the ability to provide WDS with any drivers you like.
- It's easy enough, just takes some testing to see what hardware works with Windows 7 and what requires additional drivers.
- Now the easy part; Install and run the Windows 7 Easy Transfer utility to copy all the local user profile data (depending on your situation you might have roaming profiles or not care about local settings).
- Dont save the profile locally. It wont be there after the rebuild. Setup a server location to save all this to. (And it can be a huge amount of data)
- Next PXE boot and install Windows 7 via RDS <- wow, wasn't that easy
- After the reboot check your drivers are good and the expected applications appear.
- Use the already installed Easy Transfer to restore the profile you backed up earlier.
- Reboot, and you're done. Congrats.
Teaming NICs within Hyper-V R2
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hyper-V Live Migration
- There's a lot of useless information around for Hyper-V - I'll try not to add to it :)
- Hyper-V and Hyper-V R2 are quite different, dont expect them to behave the same.
- DO NOT team network cards - As of today (04/09/09) teaming is not supported, and when it is, it will be up to the vendor to provide and support any teaming of NICs.
Update: This has changed. Check this post for details. - You'll need more NICs - Hyper-V loves network cards. 2 teamed for production (when it actually works), 1 for heart beat, 1 for live migration traffic and 1+ for iSCSI, if you use it.
- You'll have to rethink your SAN - Cluster Shared Storage require a witness disk for the quorim data, and you can't store anything else on it. So plan to setup a new vDisk from your SAN at around 250 -> 500MB.
- You'll want more resources - One of the really appealing aspects to Live Migration is the ability to setup an N+1 High{ish} Availability Cluster, but that means the nearly 90% utalization you are currently running your poor, innocent hosts at, isn't going to do. Plan / Budget for it.
- SAN - Create the Witness Disk, Virtual Machine storage, LUNs etc
- Server 2008 R2 - Install the base OS, if at all possible stick with the Windows Drivers (I'd only use vendor drivers after careful testing) *See below for Core
- Networking - Assign your IPs, Name your NICs, test connectivity between all hosts and SAN [iSCSI]
- Storage - Connect to the SAN, check all the drives appear and make sure they have the same drive letters on all hosts.
- Clustering - Install MPIO and Clustering. Create your cluster, give it its IP and hostname, check your hosts and networking appears corrently. Configure your witness disk.
- Hyper-V - Install Hyper-V, configure all networking, dont create Guests!
- Live Migration - Enable Cluster Shared Storage and add your disks (No, not the witness disk)
- Add/create your Virtual Machine using Cluster Manager.
- Check their configuration using Hyper-V manager.
- Start your Guests using Hyper-V manager.
- Migrate your Guests using Cluster Manager.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Microsoft Direct Access
Microsoft Direct Access has just been released and there is always a lot of hype with new solutions. However this one has truly impressed me and I hope to see some serious market uptake.
I recently had the opportunity to assist with New Zealand’s first production implementation of this, in conjunction with Microsoft Prof Services and I'll try to detail the experience below.
The first thing you need to know is that Direct Access is awesome, but comes with some friends. Like the hot blonde you're excited to let into your party, until you see the not-that-hot friends she's bringing too.
In this case I'm referring to IPv6 and Public Key infrastructure (PKI). Both technologies have very nice personalities, but they are a lot of work and aren't good looking enough to sell to your boss. If you create a plan to get these technologies in place properly, in addition to the Direct Access planning, you'll do fine.
Public Key Infrastructure
The catches;
- Whatever server to decide to make your Certificate Authority will be with you for a long, long time. Virtualize if possible and choose a smart name.
- Lots of certificates will be handed out - things like DCs are going to jump on the PKI bandwagon straight away. That’s OK, it doesn't hurt. It will only hurt if you start trying to be clever and stop them.
- Server 2008 R2 - if you can, make it your CA. Newest templates and distribution points out of the box are nice.
For Direct Access use you will have to publish a CRL to the outside world. If you happen to have an ISA box, a web publishing rule is an easy option. But as long as you can get to the CRL how you do it is up to you. And no, you can’t reuse one of the DA boxes external IP addresses.
The one we are particularly interested in is ISATAP. Short version is it creates a IPv6 addresses based on [Address type][network prefix][IPv4 address].
In our case it would look something like 2002:0000:0000:0000:0000:5efe: or 2002::5efe:
What you need to know is;
- Any server taking part in the Direct Access communications will need one of these ISATAP addresses.
- This is supported on Server 2003 and up.
- The address is generated by doing a DNS request to ISATAP.{domain}
- ISATAP.{domain} is blocked by default on your DNS server and will need to be allowed.
- You can bypass this lookup, by configuring the address this resolves to, directly on the ISATAP interface, on the server you are configuring. (NETSH INTERFACE ISATAP SET ROUTER {ipv4 address of DA box})
- You can disable and re-enable this interface to force it to do this DNS query again.
If you are doing IPv6 just for Direct Access the best results have been from leaving ISATAP blocked on your DNS servers and manually configuring the router address on the servers you want to take part in Direct Access. This leaves your other servers unaffected. Up to you though.
Direct Access
The irony of this name shouldn't escape anyone, this access is about as tunnelled as it gets. Packets get packaged in other packets, NATs traversed and the like.
Before you install you should read this. Lots of good info and instructions.
I'm not going to cover the install in details just the highlight and some tips I discovered. RTFM for the how to... and just 'cause you haven't downloaded it yet, click me.
- 2 sequential Public IPv4 addresses both assigned to the same interface.
- Un-firewall access to those IPs (OK if you have to, then check the guide for ports - but open it up for testing)
- If you're doing it as a Hyper-V Virtual Machine use Legacy Network Adapters.
- Use an IP Address, not a hostname for the Location Awareness URL (LAU)*
- Get yourself an external IP for a Windows 7 client that you can stick in your DMZ - great for testing.
- Enable your local admin account on your Windows 7 machines! - When things go wrong you will want to log in locally... and by 'things' I mean net being able to get ANY network comms.
The install of the Direct Access role itself and the configuration wizard are stupidly easy. The skill is in the planning, so be sure you do lots of it.
*Almost forgot. You'll want an IIS website hosted somewhere internal with a Certificate on it matching its IP address (and the PKI is useful again). You should be able to access this site securely and without any warning from the internal network, and not at all externally. The content of the site doesn’t matter, just that it exists. - This is how Windows 7 figures out if it's on the network or not. Location Awareness - pray it never gets it wrong.
Well, have fun and do me a personal favour. Do lots and lots of testing before giving this to your users. If we want this to be a hit in the industry the user experience has to be a good one. So let’s get it right and get people talking about it.
{Written while over Direct Access on Windows 7}